Embalaje reciclado de la República Popular China

Bolsas reciclables

Embalaje Sostenible

As the drive for sustainability intensifies, recyclable packaging is reshaping the industry. These innovative pouches combine functionality with eco-friendly design, providing reliable product protection while promoting environmental stewardship.

As a proactive advocate for sustainable packaging within the flexible packaging sector, Lanker Pack invites you to explore our eco-friendly journey and discover how our custom sustainable solutions meet the needs of both businesses and the planet.


Featured recyclable pouches

Here’s an overview of the types of recyclable coffee pouches available and their materials.

  • Recyclable Coffee bags

    Eco Coffee Packaging for a Sustainable Brew

    Coffee deserves packaging that’s as high-quality and sustainable as the product itself. Our recyclable coffee pouches offer the perfect blend of protection, design, and eco-friendliness.

  • Bolsas reciclables para envases de líquidos

    Revolutionizing Liquid Packaging with Recyclable Pouches

    Our recyclable pouches for liquid packaging combine sustainability with unmatched functionality. Designed to handle a wide range of liquid products, these pouches offer excellent durability, barrier properties, and versatility to meet your packaging needs.

  • Embalaje de réplica reciclable de polipropileno

    Revolucionando el embalaje de retorta con soluciones de polipropileno reciclable

    El envasado en autoclave es esencial para conservar platos preparados, sopas, alimentos para bebés, alimentos húmedos para mascotas y más, garantizando la seguridad del producto y una mayor vida útil mediante la esterilización a alta temperatura. Sin embargo, las bolsas de retorta tradicionales, a menudo fabricadas con PET y aluminio, enfrentan importantes desafíos en materia de reciclabilidad.

Vamos a trabajar juntos

Si tiene alguna pregunta o consulta, no dude en contactarnos.

  • ventas@lankerpack.com

  • +86-757-88239919

  • +86-757-88235599

  • 1309 Centro Yingxin, Gaoming, Foshan, Guangdong, China

Formulario de consulta