Рециклируеми торбички за кафе
Are coffee bags recyclable? It’s a simple question, but the answer can be surprisingly complicated. Coffee bags come in all shapes, sizes, and materials, and not all are created equal when it comes to sustainability. Coffee bags can be recyclable, but it depends on their material composition. Single-material pouches, especially those made of PE or PP, are easier to recycle compared to mixed-material bags that include foil or plastic layers. When it comes to sustainability, understanding the options available is…
Опаковка за пресни плодове + зеленчуци
Custom printed pouches for vegetable and fruit packaging help agricultural companies set their brand apart from the rest. Whether you’re packaging fresh fruit or looking for a new way to keep leafy greens fresher longer, choosing flexible fruit packaging bags and vegetable packaging bags preserves natural, wholesome and presents them in their best light.
Опаковка на добавките
Когато става въпрос за опаковки за бебешка храна, безопасността е най-важната грижа за собствениците на марки, ето защо гъвкавите, хранителни, одобрени от FDA опаковки без бисфенол-А наистина набират популярност на този пазар. За разлика от традиционните стъклени буркани, торбичките за бебешка храна са леки и достатъчно гъвкави, тяхната комбинация от издръжливост и гъвкавост е перфектна, за да се гарантира, че опаковката не представлява опасност за бебетата.
Опаковка за течен перилен препарат
A proper packaging for liquid detergents is essential to avoid the deterioration which may reduce the effectiveness in shampoo or the detergents. At Lanker Pack, we have specialized in manufacturing qualitative range of custom printed detergent packaging pouches by utilizing superior grade raw materials and latest techniques that ensures their longer shelf life. These detergent packaging pouches are leakage proof and provide secure storage and transportation.