
  • تغليف النبيذ + العصير

    Not like traditional glass or plastic bottles for beverages, pouches and bag-in-box supplies are easy to carry, environmental and durable. Its blend of durability and flexibility is perfect for ensuring the package does not be damaged during distribution. Its freezing resistant material keeps cold beverages colder for longer; Its unique designed nozzle keeps beverages fresh and tasty for up to four weeks after opening.

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  • تغليف الحلويات

    Finding the perfect chocolate and sweet packaging for your product is no easy task. Not only does your packaging need to meet certain requirements to keep your chocolates, candies and other sweet treats safe from external factors such as heat, light and humidity, but it also needs to provide convenience and functionality.

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  • تغليف أغذية الحيوانات الأليفة

    One of the many benefits of flexible packaging for pet food is its lightweight, pliable and durable composition. Pouches have an inherently flexible structure that allows for it to be easily compressed, so your brand’s dog treats can be tossed in consumer’s bags and taken on the go.

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  • تغليف شوربة + صلصة

    تتميز الأكياس بأنها نظيفة وسهلة الاستخدام، وتقضي على غرف الزجاجات الفوضوية وكشطها والضغط عليها، كما أن هيكلها المركب متعدد الطبقات يمكن أن يتمتع في الوقت نفسه بخصائص حاجز الأكسجين والرطوبة، وضيق الهواء الموثوق به ومقاومة جيدة للثقب، وبالتالي ستحافظ الأكياس على طعم ونضارة ونكهة الصلصات لفترة أطول.

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  • تغليف اغذية مجمدة

    When packaging fresh frozen food, you need a packaging that needs to be strong but also flexible, and the packaging material should withstand freezing temperatures between zero degrees to -40 degrees. Our packaging is strong but puncture-resistant, which is critical during low-temperature transportation, storage, and handling.

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  • coffee bags

    تغليف القهوة

    مثل العشاء الجائع الذي يأكل بعينيه أولاً... يشتري عملاؤك بأعينهم قبل تجربة قهوتك اللذيذة، وبالتالي فإن الأكياس المطبوعة المخصصة التي تعرض علامتك التجارية للقهوة أو الشاي بألوان نابضة بالحياة ورسومات عالية الوضوح هي طريقة أكيدة لتمييز منتجاتك من المنافسة. في Lanker Pack، هدفنا هو مساعدتك على بيع المزيد من القهوة... لذلك نقدم التخصيص الكامل للشكل والحجم والطباعة للعبوة الخاصة بك.

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  • تغليف أغذية الأطفال

    تغليف أغذية الأطفال

    When it comes to packaging for baby food, safety is the top concern for brand owners, that is why flexible, food grade, FDA-approved, BPA-free packaging is really taking off in this market. Not like traditional glass jars, baby food pouches are lightweight and pliable enough, its blend of durability and flexibility is perfect for ensuring the package does not pose hazards for babies.

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  • Snack

    تغليف الوجبات الخفيفة

    Snack foods comprise one of the strongest categories in the entire packaged food marketplace, with robust growth projected to continue for the next several years. Flexible packaging can help compensate for the de-emphasis on conventional preservatives. Each of the ingredients in these snack foods can have specific requirements for maintaining their best shelf life.

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